What to Do If It Wants Body Odor

Body odor has become a big problem for many people. Because of body odor, people can exit from the association. As a result, a million ways done to eradicate the body odor. Here are some ways you can do if you do not want to body odor.

Human sweat does not actually cause the smell, because of body odor caused by bacteria in the body that breed in certain areas. That's why more body odor smell in damp areas like under the armpits, between toes, and between the folds of the thighs.

Bacteria that attack the sweat glands are anaerobic bacteria that grow well in humid areas or areas of the body not getting enough oxygen. The smell also may indicate the body is trying to eliminate toxins.

There are many things that can cause a person has body odor, among others, as reported by Lifemojo, Saturday (04/16/2011), namely:

  1. Medical conditions (kidney and liver disease, fungal infection, low blood sugar, diabetes)
  2. Alcohol consumption
  3. Tobacco use (smoking and chewing tobacco)
  4. Dental Problems
  5. Lack of vitamins and minerals
  6. Hygiene problems
  7. Doing physical activity and exercise weight
  8. Poison (at home, diet, or environment)
  9. Stress
  10. Hormones (especially during menopause)
  11. Certain drugs.

What should be done to avoid or eliminate body odor?

The following steps are considered the most effective way to prevent and eliminate unpleasant body odor, among others:

  1. Drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach
  2. Use baking soda on the underarms and feet to reduce sweating
  3. To reduce the pH of the skin and eliminate underarm odor, use apple cider vinegar instead of deodorant. Enter into a glass of water and use to rinse the underarms in the bath.
  4. In the summer, at least bathe three times a day to remove sweat that tends to be much.
  5. Avoid processed foods such as hydrogenated oils and other processed foods. Eat healthy foods that contain lots of fiber such as whole grains, wheat, soy products and green leafy vegetables. Also reduce meat and dairy products.
  6. Also avoid foods that trigger excessive sweating such as spicy and hot food.
  7. Reduce foods that can cause odors such as onions and curry. Frequent consumption of foods containing garlic (lehsun), curry and cumin (jeera) can cause some very strong odor coming from the pores of up to 24 hours after consumption.
  8. Use cotton clothes that can better absorb sweat so it does not immediately mix with the bacteria that cause odor. Often change clothes when she was a lot of sweating