Corn Strengthen Bones and Teeth

There is no harm in entering the corn into the daily diet as it can get minerals that are essential for strong bones and teeth. This is because corn has a second source of essential nutrients that can make strong teeth and bones of magnesium and phosphorus.

Bones are not only active during the growth period, but throughout life. Bone will release calcium into the blood every time it takes for vital functions. This requires adequate intake of calcium and other essential nutrients including two minerals are in the corn.

A variety of vitamins, minerals and healthy fiber contained in the corn. But there are two types of minerals in corn that are useful to make strong bones and teeth, namely magnesium and phosphorus, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Monday (11/07/2011).

Magnesium has an important function for the whole body, such as helping cells produce energy, to produce DNA, RNA and protein antioxidants, helps muscle contractions and nerve impulses that carry potassium and calcium across cell membranes.

About 60 percent of magnesium in the body is located in the bone, which contributes to the density of magnesium and helps to rebuild bone growth. If someone is deficient in magnesium, then the amount of calcium is low and the effect on bone condition.

Researchers from the University of Maryland Medical Center said that the phosphorus in the form of phosphate can build and strengthen teeth and bones by increasing mineral mass.

This mineral also contributes to cell membrane structure, chemical reactions in the body, helps the kidneys filter waste and maintain the acid-base balance in the body.