Obesity or overweight can affect anyone who fails a healthy lifestyle. And when in their teens are obese, the risk of cancer increases.
The new study shows people who are obese at the age of 18 will have a chance of 35 percent more likely to develop cancer later in life. This risk does not decrease, even if the youth was later to lose weight in middle age. Risk of cancer that develops among other things, the lungs, kidneys, skin and prostate.
"It's very interesting to note that BMI is high, and 18 actually leads to an increased risk of cancer than high BMI in middle age," said Dr Linsay Gray, researchers from the Medical Research Council (MRC), as reported by Dailymail on Friday (17/06/2011).
According to Dr. Gray, who did the study in about 20,000 participants, the message is very clear from this study that maintaining a healthy weight, from a young age can greatly reduce the chances of those affected by cancer.
"Body mass index (BMI) greater were associated with some cancers, but always at a later date. And these results suggest the burden of worrying about the future more people to get cancer, "Dr. Gray.
In the study, researchers at the MRC, in collaboration with researchers at University College London and Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, analyzing the medical records of 19,593 men who entered Harvard graduates between 1916 and 1950.
The researchers found that men in the study who had the highest BMI at age 18 is 35 percent more likely to die from cancer than those with a BMI less.
The study was that the study data in men, but researchers say that women tend to have the same risk.
The relationship between adolescents who are overweight and cancer are very strong in the lung, skin, esophagus, kidney, prostate, bladder and testicular cancer.
And according to a study published in the journal Annals of Oncology, BMI change between adulthood and middle age do not affect the risk of these cancers.
"It is not known how obesity at a young age can trigger cancer later in life. However, because people with higher BMI have a larger size of the body, there are more cells that could become cancerous "said Mr. Gray.