High and Low Blood Sugar Can Make Nightmares

Not a few people ever feel bad dream. Besides being a flower bed, nightmares can also be caused by food that you eat before bed, one of which eating too much sugar or when blood sugar levels down.

An article in the Journal of the Mind and Body cites several studies that try to determine the relationship between eating before going to sleep and dream experiences.

Several studies show that eating excessive sugar before bed can increase brain wave activity. High activity can improve the clarity to make those dreams including nightmares, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Wednesday (07/27/2011).

In addition to sugar, there are other chemicals that can affect dreams. For example, nicotine patches are sometimes packaged with a warning that states can lead to a dream 'real' or unusual.

Junk food that does not contain nicotine, sweets and chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine can also disrupt sleep and cause nightmares if eaten in considerable amounts before bedtime.

Apart from eating too much sugar, it was low blood sugar can also affect the dream. According to MayoClinic.com, blood sugar levels can also affect the child's dream.

When blood sugar is low (hypoglycemia) during sleep, some children will experience symptoms of nightmares. This usually occurs in children who suffer from diabetes.

Some of the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia in children with diabetes such as frequent nightmares, sweating, fatigue on waking, dizziness, confusion, difficulty speaking, anxiety, personality changes and bizarre behavior, which often occurs in the morning and usually called 'dawn effect'.

For that, you should eat healthy food but not just before bedtime each day to keep blood sugar was always within normal levels.