Every woman has hair that looks thin around the breast and darker around the nipple. But in some women, the hair can grow more dense. What causes it?
Excessive hair growth and darker in the female breast may be the effect of the hormone the body is unstable.
Here are some causes of hair grow bushy poada woman's breasts, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Monday (7/18/2011):
1. Gestation
Hair that grows thick around the woman's breasts can be a side effect of pregnancy. Pregnancy causes the body to secrete hormones that cause hair to grow faster and do not easily fall out. Hair that grows around the nipple is a common side effect of pregnancy.
2. Hirsutism
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, about half of women have male sex hormone androgen which makes it have hirsutism, which is a medical condition characterized by excessive hair growth on breasts, upper lip, chin and back.
Hirsutism is caused by elevated levels of male hormones, which can also lead to male domination features such as deeper voices, bald front, enlarged clitoris and shoulder muscles. Acne, irregular menstrual periods and loss of the feminine form is also an effect of hirsutism is caused by the high male hormone.
3. Drugs
Increased levels of male hormones can also be caused by a number of factors. Drugs such as phenytoin, minoxidil, diazoxide, cyclosporine, and hexachlorobenzene can cause hair to grow in the breast.
4. Certain diseases
Severe insulin resistance, tumors in the adrenal gland or ovaries, or Danazol anabolic steroids can cause hirsutism. Medical conditions such as Cushing's syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome also causes hisutisme.